Customer Success Spotlight:
Paystri Customer Service Saves Florida Towing Company Frustration and Funds After Theft
The Plot
Many people share the unfortunate experience of losing a credit or debit card. You might be one of them. You may be familiar with the dread that peals through your entire body when you cannot locate your card – and maybe even the fallout when you find out someone has been using it.
Now, imagine being a business owner and having not just your credit or debit card go missing, but your actual payment processing device. That feeling of panic and fear you were just recalling would be multiplied tenfold!
That's precisely what happened to a towing company in Daytona Beach, Florida. The company had a PAX A920 – a mobile payment terminal – stolen from one of their trucks. Thankfully, the technology and the customer service provided by Paystri made it possible to recover the device and prevent theft from the company or its customers.
A Brazen Act of Theft
Recently a towing company in Daytona Beach found their credit card processing terminal stolen from one of their trucks. Police were initially unable to locate the device and feared that the thieves could use Google to figure out how to use the device to steal from the towing company.
The PAX A920 is a mobile credit card processing terminal allowing numerous transaction types. It runs on an Android system to access the internet wirelessly and affords convenience to clients using it to process credit card payments in the field, such as towing companies. This could have allowed the thieves to issue themselves fraudulent refunds from the company and rob the business of thousands of dollars – if the terminal had not been operating in partnership with Paystri and their proactive team of customer success representatives.

Modern Solutions for Age-Old Issues
The concept of a business being robbed is not a new one. Companies have dealt with theft since the dawn of civilization – but how we deal with that theft has changed in a big way.

This was certainly true in the case of the stolen PAX A920. When the device was turned on, and the internet was accessed, it automatically searched for updates. This is standard practice for the device and allows for automatic software updates. In this case, though, it also ended up shutting down the attempts at financial damage the thieves made by taking the terminal.
Instead of software updates, the device reported its location to the police and Paystri customer service. More importantly, though, it allowed the customer success team to work swiftly to disable the machine's most crucial financial processing features such as the magnetic stripe and EMV chip reader – and prevent any loss to the company or its consumers.
Customer service quickly disabled the ability to run all card-based transactions through the terminal. This made it entirely useless to the thieves, who were likely planning to use the terminal to issue refunds from recent transactions to themselves and pocket that money.
With the fast response from customer service and cooperation with the police, Paystri sent out a message to the device that read, “ The Daytona Beach Police Department is tracking this device. Please return to the Towing Company's address.” The next day the stolen terminal magically appeared back at the towing company's office. The PAX A920 was reprogrammed and is back in use! This response is just one more example of how Paystri prioritizes its clients and the customers they serve!